Demonstration 2 provided the practical component for Chapter 4: “Random Selection I — Direct Randomness” of my unpublished textbook on composing programs. It illustrates the use of random decision-making to compose a piece of music. Like its predecessor, Demonstration 2 has a tiered structure in which phrases occupy an intermediate level between the piece as a whole and the local details. From this point on, however, all resemblance ceases. Where the compositional directives for Demonstration 1 completely describe the musical results, direct compositional control over Demonstration 2 is limited to specifying a supply of options for each musical attribute involved and to prescribing a statistical distribution for each supply. All further decision-making at both intermediate and local levels of structure is delegated to the random-number generator.
From the perspective of my production framework, the process as a whole interleaves decisions about phrase attributes with decisions about note attributes. In this case each attribute is drawn from a fixed supply of options, and each supply is associated with a distribution.
Like supplies, distributions can be either discrete or continuous. A discrete distribution is set of non-negative weights or probabilities, one for each option in the supply. These values suggest in what proportions the options should be present within the outcomes of the selection process. For our purposes the distinction between weights and probabilities is that probabilities together sum to unity.
At the heart of random decision making is an engine called the random number generator.
The FORTRAN language implements random generation through its built-in RANF
This function produces a sequence of numbers which — over the long term — are uniformly distributed over the range
from zero to unity. Given this function's nominal uniformity, output from RANF
can be conformed to
any desired distribution using an appropriate statistical transform. For discrete distributions, such a transform involves dividing the range from zero
to unity into regions sized according to the distribution probabilities. Weighted random selection then comes down to generating
chooser, then locating which region contains the chooser.
The rub is that patternlessness, rather than statistical conformity, is the essence of randomness. Think of it this
way: if you make eight coin tosses in a row, then the outcome might be HTHTTHHT, but it might also be HHHHHHHH. In fact, these two outcomes
are equally likely! Its just that there are many other outcomes mixing H's and T's but only this one way of producing only H's.
The nature of randomness is also expressed in the gambler's fallacy,
from which follows that if a process strives for statistical balance in the short term, then it's not random.
is very good at random but less good at balance.
We may regard each phrase of Demonstration 2 as a chain of consecutive rhythmic ‘units’, where an individual unit can be either a note or a rest. Phrases are distinguished by four randomly selected attributes. The distribution for phrase lengths appears in Figure 1 (a). The distribution for average note durations (equivalently, average tempo) appears in Figure 1 (b). The distribution for phrase articulations appears in Figure 1 (c). The distribution for phrase registers appears in Figure 1 (d).
Articulations express the probability that a rhythmic unit within the current phrase will be a rest instead of a note; however, this probability is subject to a constraint against two consecutive units being rests. If the unit is a rest, then its duration will center around an average half as long as the average duration characterizing notes. Two consecutive notes with no intervening rest are slurred; two consecutive notes separated by a rest of null duration are tounged.
For the purposes of Demonstration 2, ‘register’ indicates a gamut of twelve adjacent semitones which holds fixed through a phrase. If the unit is a pitch, then the program first selects one of the twelve chromatic degrees and next places this degree within the appropriate register.
Figure 2 (a) depicts the exponential distribution used to select durations for notes. Rests are half as long. Figure 2 (b) depicts the discrete uniform distribution used to select chromatic degrees for notes.
Attributes selected for phrases are depicted graphically in Figure 3
The complete product is transcribed in Figure 4
The explanations to follow focus variously on four musical attributes: duration, articulation, register and chromatic degree. The purpose is to tease out the strands of code that affect a particular attribute, and thus to reveal the mechanics of random selection in play. The explanations are peppered with line numbers, but you are are by no means expected to chase down every line of code. Rather, you should follow through with line numbers only when you have a specific question that the narrative is not answering.
The main program DEMO2
is presented in Listing 1.
The program implements the tiered musical structure described above as a design of nested loops.
The bulk of DEMO2
proper (lnes 27-41) constitutes the ‘outer’ composing loop; this loop
establishes the attributes depicted in Figure 3.
Subroutine PHRASE
is presented in Listing 2.
At the end of each iteration of the ‘outer’ composing loop, DEMO2
calls PHRASE
This call invokes an entire cycle of iterations by an ‘inner’ composing loop (lines 5-26 of PHRASE
Each ‘inner’ iteration composes a note or rest.
The symbols of DEMO2
proper adhere to four root abbreviations identifying attributes of phrases:
— length of phrase. Parameter MPHR
fixes the number of phrase lengths at 5 (line 5);
line 9 populates specific values into array VALPHR
; line 10 populates the corresponding weights from Figure 1 (a) into
array WGTPER
, and line 12 initializes the sum of these weights into variable SUMPHR
— average duration of notes (equivalently, average tempo);
the average duration of rests is half as large. Parameter MAVG
fixes the number of average note durations at 4 (line 5);
line 12 populates specific values into array VALAVG
. Since the weights in Figure 1 (b)
are uniform, no weight array is necessary.
— articulation, expressed as the probability that a rhythmic unit will serve as a rest.
Parameter MART
fixes the number of articulations at 4 (line 5);
line 13 populates specific values into array VALART
; line 14 populates the corresponding weights from
Figure 1 (c) into
array WGTART
, and line 15 initializes the sum of these weights into variable SUMART
— register, expressed as the lowest pitch in a twelve-semitone gamut. Parameter MREG
fixes the
number of registers at 4 (line 5);
line 12 populates specific values into array VALREG
. Since the weights in Figure 1 (d)
are uniform, no weight array is necessary.
The methods used to implement the different random decisions vary with the distributions depicted in Figure 1.
asks the library subroutine ALEA
to select average durations
(line 34) and registers (line 38). ALEA
is the approriate selection method for non-sequential values with uniform weighting.
selects chromatic degrees directly by
asking the library function IRND
to select a uniform random integer between 1 and 12 (line 13).
is the approriate selection method for sequential integers with uniform weighting.
asks the library subroutine SELECT
to provide durations of phrase and probabilities of
rests according to stored distributions (lines 29 and 36).
is the approriate selection method for non-sequential values with nonuniform weighting.
Durations for individual notes and rests follow exponential distributions provided by the library function RANX
(lines 9 and 16) of PHRASE
Subroutine PHRASE
implements the note-rest loop.
Line 9 decides whether the current iteration should generate a note or a rest.
For notes, lines 11-15 choose the duration and chromatic degree.
If rests, lines 17-22 choose the duration.
The note/rest loop completes by calling subroutine WNOTE
in line 25.
So long as no two rests occur consecutively, PHRASE
settles the question of whether
a rhythmic unit sould serve as a note or as a rest by asking (line 7) the library
function SUCCES
to conduct a Bernoulli trial.
Remember that exponentially distributed values range continously from zero (exclusive) to infinity.
The variable REMAIN
(lines 9-18 of PHRASE
) enables PHRASE
to reconcile
exponentially distributed durations with the discrete rhythmic neumes of musical notation.
resembles an accumulator.
Each time PHRASE
computes IDUR
from DUR
, it stores the
fractional part in REMAIN
. (In line 11, the lower bound of 1 precludes generation of notes without durations. The increment of 0.5 causes PHRASE
to approximate DUR
as the next larger integer when its fractional part exceeds 1/2. In such cases, the amout added to REMAIN
is negative.)
The next time it computes DUR
to the new random value.
Fractional parts of consecutive random values accumulate until their sum exceeds unit; when this happens an additional
sixteenth bleeds off into IDUR
The tasks of subroutine WNOTE
in DEMO2
differ from those if its counterpart in DEMO1
in that pitch information takes the form of a chromatic degree (1 to 12) and a register.
Registers are expressed in semitones above 32' C and indicate the lower bound of the
octave which is to hold the final pitch. The integer library function IOCT
shown in Listing 3 performs the necessary conversion from
registers to octaves.
All of the random generators employed for these Eleven Demonstrations leverage FORTRAN's built-in RANF
This function generates pseudorandom numbers in the real range from zero to unity using D.H. Lehmer's
linear congruence algorithm.
The library function IRND
generates random integers in the range from 1 to NUM
, the function's sole argument.
must be a positive integer.
evaluates the formula IFIX(RANF()*FLOAT(NUM)) + 1
. In this
formula, IFIX
converts a real argument to the greatest integer less than or equal to the argument, while
converts an integer argument to a real.
The library subroutine ALEA
2 selects
values randomly with uniform likelihood from a supply. It is modeled on the ALEA feature of G.M. Koenig's Project Two,
which also contributes the term “supply”.
Calls to ALEA
require three arguments:
selects a supply value and returns
the value in this location.
— Supply of values. Duplicate values are not permitted.
must be an array whose dimension in the calling program is NUM
(argument #3 below).
— Number of supply elements (dimension of array VALUE
in the calling program).
leverages the library function IRND
It generates a random index I=IRND(NUM)
, then places VALUE(I)
The library function SUCCES
returns either .TRUE.
with probability P
It models a probabilistic scenario known as a Bernoulli Trial.
is the sole parameter.
evaluates the logical formula RANF().LE.P
The library subroutine SELECT
4 selects
values randomly with nonuniform likelihood from a supply.
Calls to SELECT
require five arguments:
selects a supply value and returns
the value in this location.
— Supply of values. Duplicate values are not permitted.
must be an array whose dimension in the calling program is NUM
(argument #5 below).
— Relative weights for each value.
must be a real array whose dimension in the calling program is NUM
Each weight must be zero or greater, and at least one weight must be positive.
— Total of all NUM
weights in the WEIGHT
array. SUM
must be real.
— Number of supply elements (dimension of arrays VALUE
in the calling program).
operates by generating a ‘chooser’ value R=SUM*RANF()
, then iterates through
array on index I
breaks from the loop; otherwise, SELECT
sets R=R-WEIGHT(I)
and iterates. SELECT
completes by setting RESULT=VALUE(I)
The library function UNIFRM
generates random numbers which are uniformly distributed over a continuous range.
Calls to UNIFRM
require two arguments:
— lower bound.
— higher bound.
evaluates the formula ((B-A)*RANF()) + B
The real-valued library function RANX
implements John Myhill's generalization of the negative exponential randomness.
Pure negative exponential randomness was used to generate durations in the stochastic music program of Iannis Xenakis;
it models waiting scenarios in nature such as radioactive decay.
Myhills' 1979 generalization added a second parameter allowing a continuum of behaviors from strict periodicity to pure negative
exponential randomness. The probability densitiy curve for negative exponential randomness appears as Figure 2 (a).
Calls to RANX
require two arguments:
— Average value. AVG
must be a real number in the calling program whose value is positive.
— Maximum result divided by minimum result. PROPOR
must be a real number in the calling
program whose value is 1.0 or greater. With this argument near unity, results will cluster around AVG
. As
increases, results come to resemble pure negative exponential randomness.
To learn more of the workings of negative exponential randomness and of Myhill's generalization, see the references provided.
implements a direct version of the discrete uniform distribution described on page 58 of
my “Catalog of Statistical Distributions”.
The FORTRAN source code for function IRND
appears in Automated Composition,
Chapter 4,
p. 4-8.
implements an indirect version of the discrete uniform distribution described on page 58 of
my “Catalog of Statistical Distributions”.
The FORTRAN source code for subroutine ALEA
appears in Automated Composition,
Chapter 4,
p. 4-9.
appears in Automated Composition,
Chapter 4,
pp. 4-11 to 4-12.
appears in Automated Composition,
Chapter 4,
pp. 4-17 to 4-18.
does not appear in Automated Composition.
appears in Automated Composition,
Chapter 4,
pp. 4-20 to 4-25.
© Charles Ames | Original Text: 1984-11-01 | Page created: 2017-03-12 | Last updated: 2017-03-12 |