I have coined the term statistical frame to identify a practice already well established in the tradition of composing programs. This practice acknowledges that direct random selection relies upon the laws of large numbers to bring the actual values selected into conformance with the distribution of values intended. That reliance proves to be very weak indeed.1
The method of statistical frames puts statistical conformity above unpredictability, thus defying the the gambler's fallacy. A statistical frame is a local region within a composition within which a distribution holds sway absolutely. A classic example of the method is twelve-tone music, where a composer accepts the discipline of using all twelve degrees of the chromatic scale before any specific degree may be re-used. Another example is the approach employed manually by Iannis Xenakis to craft the work Achorripsis (as distinguished from the direct randomness employed in his Stochastic Music Program). The same approach figures prominently in composing programs developed by Gottfried Michael Koenig, especially Project Two.
Demonstration 3 provided the practical component for Chapter 4: “Random Selection II — Statistical Frames” of my unpublished textbook on composing programs. It illustrates an automated compositional process employing statistical frames. Using the techniques developed thus far, the most effective solution is to sample randomly shuffled pools. Like Demonstration 2, compositional control over Demonstration 3 is limited to prescribing distributions affecting attributes of phrases and notes. However, statistical pool generation and shuffling insure much tighter adherence to these distributions than had been possible using direct random selection.
The distributions of musical attributes affecting phrases in Demonstration 3 are depicted in Figure 1 (a) (durations), Figure 1 (b) (average note durations), Figure 1 (c) (articulations), and Figure 1 (d) (center pitches). The most prominent stylistic trait distinguishing Demonstration 3 from Demonstration 2 is that where Demonstration 2 exploited the twelve chromatic degrees with equal probability, Demonstration 3 exploits gamuts of only nine adjacent semitones within a given phrase, weighting pitches at the center of a gamut three times more strongly than it weights the outer pitches.
The distributions of musical attributes affecting notes in Demonstration 3 are depicted in Figure 2 (a) (durations) and Figure 2 (b) (chromatic degrees). Figure 3 graphs the musical attributes selected for phrases.
Figure 3 graphs the musical attributes selected for phrases.
A transcription of the musical product appears in Figure 4.
The explanations to follow focus variously on four attributes of phrases and three attributes of notes. The purpose is to tease out the strands of code that affect a particular attribute, and thus to reveal the mechanics of statistical frames in play. The explanations are peppered with line numbers, but you are are by no means expected to chase down every line of code. Rather, you should follow through with line numbers only when you have a specific question that the narrative is not answering.
Program DEMO3
is reproduced in Listing 1 while its particular
version of subroutine PHRASE
appears in Listing 2.
Like program DEMO2
the musical structure of phrases and notes as a design of nested loops. An outer phrase-composing loop in DEMO3
proper and an inner note/rest loop in subroutine PHRASE
Program DEMO3
proper implements the phrase-composing loop in lines 43-58.
Variables and arrays pertaining to phrase attributes adhere to four root abbreviations:
— length of phrase. Parameter MPHR
fixes the pool length for phrase lengths at 13 (line 5);
line 13 populates 3 specific values into array VALPHR
, populates the corresponding weights from Figure 1 (a) into
array WGTPHR
, and initializes the sum of these weights into variable SUMPHR
. Line 31's call to subroutine
expands the 3 values in VALPHR
into 13 values in
the pool array POLPHR
. Line 45's call to subroutine SERIES
steps through array POLPHR
in shuffled order selecting specific lengths for phrases. This result is placed
in variable IPHR
— average duration of notes (equivalently, average tempo) within a phrase;
the average duration of rests is half as large. Parameter MAVG
fixes the pool length for average durations at 19 (line 5);
line 14 populates 4 specific values into array VALAVG
, populates the corresponding weights from Figure 1 (b) into
array WGTAVG
, and initializes the sum of these weights into variable SUMAVG
. Line 33's call to subroutine
expands the 4 values in VALAVG
into 19 values in
the pool array POLAVG
. Line 50's call to subroutine SERIES
steps through array POLAVG
in shuffled order selecting average note durations for phrases. This result is placed
in variable AVGDUR
— articulation within a phrase, expressed as the probability that a rhythmic unit will serve as a rest.
Parameter MART
fixes the pool length for average durations at 8 (line 5);
line 18 populates 4 specific values into array VALART
, populates the corresponding weights from Figure 1 (c) into
array WGTART
, and initializes the sum of these weights into variable SUMART
. Line 35's call to subroutine
expands the 4 values in VALART
into 8 values in
the pool array POLART
. Line 52's call to subroutine SERIES
steps through array POLAVG
in shuffled order selecting articulations for phrases. This result is placed
in variable ARTIC
— register within a phrase, expressed as the central pitch in a nine-semitone gamut.
Parameter MREG
fixes the pool length for registers at 8 (line 5).
Since the weights in Figure 1 (d) are uniform, line 19 explicitly populates
the pool array POLREG
. Selection of registers for phrases is therefore quasi-serial, all 8 distinct
registers must be used before any register may be repeated. Line 52's call to subroutine SERIES
steps through array POLREG
in shuffled order selecting registers for phrases. This result is placed
in variable IREG
The phrase-composing loop completes by calling subroutine PHRASE
in line 56.
Subroutine PHRASE
implements the note-rest loop.
Line 9 decides whether the current iteration should generate a note or a rest.
If a note is elected, lines 11-15 choose the note's duration and chromatic
The note/rest loop completes by calling subroutine WNOTE
in line 36
Variables and arrays pertaining to choosers for note/rest trials have names ending in UNF
Each note-rest chooser value is uniformly distributed between zero and one.
The pool for choosers is configured in DEMO03
Parameter MUNF
fixes the pool length for choosers at 20 (line 6);
line 19 explicitly populates the pool array POLUNF
This means that all 20 distinct note-rest choosers must be used before any chooser may be repeated.
Moving down into subroutine PHRASE
, line 50's call to subroutine SERIES
steps through array POLUNF
in shuffled order selecting choosers for note/rest trials. This result is placed
in variable R
Variables and arrays pertaining to note durations and rest durations have names ending in DUR
The pool for note durations is configured in DEMO03
Parameter MUNF
fixes the pool length for note/rest durations at 10 (line 6). The pool array POLDUR
is declared
in line 9. Line 37's call to subroutine FILL
expands two distribution parameters
into 10 values in the pool array POLDUR
. Of the two distribution parameters, setting the average duration to unity
allows average note durations to be applied later, within phrases. Setting the max/min proportion to 1000 indicates that this
action should strive toward the pure negative-exponential distribution graphed in Figure 2 (a).
Moving down into subroutine PHRASE
, line 19's call to subroutine SERIES
steps through array POLDUR
in shuffled order selecting note/rest durations. This result is scaled by the average note
duration (variable AVGDUR
) and placed in variable DUR
Variables and arrays pertaining to deviations from a phrase's central pitch have names ending in PCH
The pool for pitch deviations is configured in DEMO03
Parameter MPCH
fixes the pool length pitch deviations at 40 (line 6);
lines 15-17 populates 9 specific values into array VALPCH
, populates the corresponding weights from Figure 2 (b) into
array WGTPCH
, and initializes the sum of these weights into variable SUMPCH
. Line 31's call to subroutine
expands the 9 values in VALPCH
into 40 values in
the pool array POLPCH
Moving down into subroutine PHRASE
, line 24's call to subroutine SERIES
steps through array POLPCH
in shuffled order selecting pitch deviations. This result is combined with the register (variable IREG
and placed in variable IPCH
The library subroutine SHUFLE
randomly shuffles a supply of values.
Calls to SHUFLE
require two arguments:
— Supply of values.
must be an array whose dimension in the calling program is NUM
(argument #2 below).
— Number of supply elements (dimension of array VALUE
in the calling program).
works by stepping backwards through the supply, leveraging the library function IRND
to exchange each supply element either with itself or with a leftward element.2
The library subroutine SERIES
3 samples a supply of values
shuffling the supply contents after each cycle. It is modeled on the SERIES feature of Koenig's Project Two.
Calls to SERIES
require four arguments:
selects a supply value and returns
the value in this location.
— Supply of values. Duplicate values are not permitted.
must be an array whose dimension in the calling program is NUM
(argument #4 below).
— Index to pending selection. IDX
must be an integer in the calling
program. Before anything else, SERIES
increments IDX
by 1.
Whenever IDX
threatens to exceed NUM
leverages subroutine
to shuffle the VALUE
then wraps IDX
back around to 1.
completes by setting RESULT=VALUE(IDX)
Initializing IDX
to 0 causes SERIES
present the supply in its original
order. If you want SERIES
to shuffle the supply right at the outset, initialize
to NUM
— Number of supply elements (dimension of array VALUE
in the calling program).
The library subroutine FILL
4 populates a supply of values
conforming to a discrete table of weights.
Calls to FILL
require six arguments:
— Statistical pool.
must be an array whose dimension in the calling program is LENGTH
(argument #6 below).
The contents of this array will be overwritten with each call to FILL
— Supply of values. Duplicate values are not permitted.
must be an array whose dimension in the calling program is NUM
(argument #5 below).
— Array of weights associated with each member of VALUE
must be a real array whose dimension in the calling program is NUM
, whose
contents are all non-negative. At least one weight must be positive.
— Sum of weights stored in array WEIGHT
must be a real
variable in the calling program with a value greater than zero.
— Number of samples to be assembled in array POOL
must be a positive integer.
— Number of supply values in array VALUE
must be a positive integer.
operates in an active generation phase and a passive transformation phase. The generation
phase produces LENGTH
values equally spaced (and therefore uniformly distributed) over the range from
zero to unity. The transformation phase uses a method adapted from subroutine SELECT
where the values from zero to unity become choosers against the WEIGHT
The library subroutine FILLX
5 populates a supply of values
conforming to John Myhill's generalization of the negative exponential distribution.
Calls to FILLX
require four arguments:
— Statistical pool of durations.
must be a real array whose dimension in the calling program is LENGTH
(argument #4 below).
The contents of this array will be overwritten with each call to FILLX
— Average value. AVG
must be a real number in the calling program whose value is positive.
— Maximum result divided by minimum result. PROPOR
must be a real number in the calling
program whose value is 1.0 or greater. With this argument near unity, results will cluster around AVG
. As
increases, results come to resemble pure negative exponential randomness.
— Number of durations to be assembled in array POOL
must be a positive integer.
To learn more of the workings of negative exponential randomness and of Myhill's generalization, see the references provided
for function RANX
appears in Automated Composition,
Chapter 5,
pp. 5-8 to 5-9.
appears in Automated Composition,
Chapter 5,
pp. 5-9 to 5-10.
are discussed under the “Saturated Frames’ topic on page 59 of
my “Catalog of Sequence Generators”
The FORTRAN source code for subroutine FILL
appears in Automated Composition,
Chapter 5,
pp. 5-6 to 5-8.
is presented in Automated Composition,
Chapter 5,
pp. 5-5 to 5-6.
© Charles Ames | Original Text: 1984-11-01 | Page created: 2017-03-12 | Last updated: 2017-03-12 |