Speech Synthesis:
Plosive Consonants


Plosive consonants are also known as “stop consonants” because sound transmission pauses for a short period just prior to the consonant. Perceptually, the pause articulates what came before from the consonant itself, while physically the pause allows a buildup of acoustic energy to be released in a percussive noise burst. According to Wikipedia there are 14 different stop consonants recognized by the International Phonetic Alphabet. Yet English employs only the 6 consonants listed in Table 8, and it is just these for which I have obtained sufficient acoustical data to attempt syntheses.

Description Place of Articulation Unvoiced IPA Unvoiced Examples Voiced IPA Voiced Examples
labial lips p pet b boy
alveolar between the tip of the tongue and the alveolar
ridge (the gum line behind the front teeth)
t tip, ripped d day, played
velar between the back of the tongue and the velum
(soft palate)
k cat, kick or pique g give

Table 8: English plosives in the International Phonetic Alphabet. Source: Wikipedia with additional pronunciation examples from webdesign.about.com

Figure 4: Phases of a plosive consonant, after I.H. Slis and A. Cohen, “On the complex regulating the voiced-voiceless distinction II”, Language and Speech 11 (1969), Figure 15. The abbreviation “VCV” near the bottom stands for vowel-consonant-vowel.

A plosive can be either voiceless (p, t, k) or voiced (b, d, g). Plosives are also distinguished by where the sounds are produced in the vocal tract: labial (alternatively “bilabial”: p, b), alveolar (alternatively “dental”: t, d), or velar (alternatively “gutteral”: k, g). (Notice that each of these three vocal-tract locations have nasal equivalents in Table 4.)

Phases of a Plosive

One source which I found particularly useful for the synthesis of stop consonants was the discussion of “Stops” by Fred D. Minifie in pages 264-272 of Normal Aspects of Speech, Hearing and Language. Page 271 of Minifie's discussion reproduces the diagram shown in Figure 4

Writers I have consulted generally agree that stop consonants unfold over time in the manner depicted by Figure 4. Voiced plosives (a) and voiceless plosives (b) are both characterized by a closure period followed by a noise burst whose spectrum varies with the vocal-tract location. For voiced plosives the consonant is approached by the formant transition called the “on-glide” the resumption of vocalization after closure coincides with the noise burst, and the formant transition during this resumption phase is called the “off-glide”. For voiceless plosives there is a time interval between the start of the noise burst and the start of vocalization, and there is no on-glide or off-glide.

Yet Figure 4 neglects an additional noise component of voiceless plosives: aspiration. As Minifie explains it: “Technically, aspiration refers to the supplementation of the transient noise burst of an exploded stop consonant by glottal frictation (the h sound). For example, the initial sound in the word pot is aspirated, while the same sound in the word spot is unaspirated.” (p. 267).

Closed Phase

The duration of the closed phase shown in Figure 4 is around 50 msec. for voiceless plosives and somewhat shorter for voiced plosives. However in my own synthesis efforts I have found that such periods of silence are pertinent only to word-initiating plosives. When a plosive consonant occurs either in the middle or at the end of a word, such long silences are disruptive (read: glitchy). Rather, it is necessary simply to ramp the preceding syllable's envelope down to zero, then directly begin the plosive with a fresh attack.

Noise Burst

Writers such as Minifie explain that the noise burst is caused by sudden release of air pressure built up during closure. The sudden release in a narrow passage causes turbulance, which comes to our ears as noise. This scenario — an initial input of energy which is let to dissipate — is exactly what is needed to produce a percussive envelope. My own experiments suggest employing the EnvExp unit to generate a percussive envelope with both a rapid attack time (20 msec.) and a very rapid decay rate: 300 dB/second.

The sources are in much less agreement about the spectrial features which disinguish labial, dental, and gutteral noise bursts. However the study by Marisa Lobo Lousada, Luis M. T. Jesus, and Daniel Pape (LJP) identifies specific features which can readily be approximated using appropriate filter banks. This Issues surrounding the use of filters to replicate the spectral features identified by Lousada, Jesus, and Pape were explored under the heading of Synthesizing Noise Sounds devoted to Plosive Bursts.

IPA Description F1F2F3
b voiced labial risesrisesrises
d voiced alveolar rises~levelfalls
g voiced velar risesfallsrises
Table 6: Plosive formant transitions according Kirby, 2012.

Voiced Formant Transitions

All the sources available to me agree that the voiced plosives undergo rapid (under 50 msec) transitions for formants F1, F2, and F3 during the vocal onset and into the following vowel. However, the sources differ widely on how to determine the initial values for F1, F2, and F3.

One school of thought is based on an experiment conducted by Lieberman, et. al, (see particularly Figure 1) which suggests that discrimination between b, d, and g is based on the direction each formant moves while transitioning into the vowel. Such a relative approach has been adopted by Kirby, 2012, who summarizes the directions on a slide reproduced here as Table 6.

IPA Description F1F2F3
p voiceless labial 40011002150
b voiced labial 20011002150
t voiceless alveolar 40016002600
d voiced alveolar 20016002600
k voiceless velar 30019902850
g voiced velar 20019902850
Table 7: Plosive starting formants according Klatt, 1980 (Table III).

A second school of thought is the “locus theory”, which Felicity Cox explains as follows:

The locus theory proposes that the place of articulatory closure for each of the three places of articulation is relatively fixed regardless of following vowel and that this articulatory invariance has its acoustic correlate in the starting frequency of the second formant. Even though the formants may not reach the actual locus position they will still point to it.

The specific F1, F2, and F3 values from Klatt, 1980, reproduced in Table 7, are not supported elsewhere. Yet when I tried them they seemed to work.

Voiceless Formant Transitions

Figure 4 suggests that if one gets the noise burst right, one can synthesize a voiceless plosive simply by splicing a burst together with a vowel sound. I tried that, and the resulting sounds bore little resemblence to p, t, or k. Next, taking into account what Minifie says about aspiration, I resolved to supplement the noise burst with aspirated noise that would be subject to formant transitions similar to those involved with voiced plosives.

The remaining question for voiceless plosives is how long to wait before switching over from aspirated noise to pitched sound. The time-interval between the start of the noise burst and the start (resumption) of vocalization is called the voice onset time or VOT. According to Felicity Cox, “English speakers will hear a consonant as voiceless if the VOT is over 25 msec. for bilabials, over 35 msec. for alveolars and over 40 msec. for velars.”

orch /Users/charlesames/Scratch/SpeechOrch.xml
set rate 44100
set bits 16
set norm 1
name Daisy6

// Dai-
ramp 1 2 0.00 2.98 293.7 293.7 // D4
ramp 1 2 2.98 0.02 293.7 246.9 // D4-B3
ramp 1 1 0.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 0.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 0.00 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 0.00 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 0.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 0.02 0.06 200 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 0.02 0.06 1600 2065 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 0.02 0.06 2600 2570 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 0.08 0.20 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 0.08 0.20 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 0.08 0.20 2065 2065 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 0.08 0.20 2570 2570 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 0.28 0.30 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 0.28 0.30 414 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 0.28 0.30 2065 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 0.28 0.30 2570 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 0.58 2.42 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 0.58 2.42 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 0.58 2.42 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 0.58 2.42 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 1 2 203 0 0.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 2 2 219 0 0.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 3 2 224 0 0.00 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 4 2 226 0 0.00 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 5 2 225 0 0.00 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 6 2 225 0 0.00 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 7 2 222 0 0.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 8 2 299 0 0.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 9 1 101 0 0.00 3.00 1 0.02 // Buzz1
// -sy,
ramp 1 2 3.00 3.00 246.9 246.9 // B3
ramp 1 1 3.00 2.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 3.00 2.00 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 3.00 2.00 2208 2208 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 3.00 2.00 3079 3079 // Formant 3
note 10 2 201 0 3.00 0.40 0.015625 0.03 // Buzz2
note 11 2 219 0 3.00 0.40 // RMS2
note 12 2 226 0 3.00 0.40 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 13 2 226 0 3.00 0.40 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 14 2 224 0 3.00 0.40 4200 300 // BandPassBW2
note 15 2 226 0 3.00 0.40 5700 400 // BandReject2
note 16 2 221 0 3.00 0.40 11000 // LowPass
note 17 2 221 0 3.00 0.40 11000 // LowPass
note 18 2 227 0 3.00 0.40 10500 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 3.981 3.981 0 0 0 0 0.000000001 0.000000001 1.259 0.708 // LinearEqualizer2
note 19 2 299 0 3.00 0.40 // Rebalance2
note 20 1 101 0 3.10 1.90 1 0.2 // Buzz1
note 21 1 119 0 0.00 5.00 0.1 // RMS1
note 22 1 121 0 0.00 5.00 // Mouth1
note 23 1 199 0 0.00 5.00 // Rebalance1

// (rest)
ramp 1 1 5.00 1.00 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 5.00 1.00 277 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 5.00 1.00 2208 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 5.00 1.00 3079 2600 // Formant 3

// Dai-
ramp 1 2 6.00 2.98 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 2 8.98 0.02 196 146.8 // G3-D3
ramp 1 1 6.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 6.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 6.00 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 6.00 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 6.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 6.02 0.06 200 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 6.02 0.06 1600 2065 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 6.02 0.06 2600 2570 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 6.08 0.20 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 6.08 0.20 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 6.08 0.20 2065 2065 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 6.08 0.20 2570 2570 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 6.28 0.30 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 6.28 0.30 414 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 6.28 0.30 2065 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 6.28 0.30 2570 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 6.58 2.42 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 6.58 2.42 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 6.58 2.42 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 6.58 2.42 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 24 2 203 0 6.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 25 2 219 0 6.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 26 2 224 0 6.00 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 27 2 226 0 6.00 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 28 2 225 0 6.00 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 29 2 225 0 6.00 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 30 2 222 0 6.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 31 2 299 0 6.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 32 1 101 0 6.00 3.00 1 0.02 // Buzz1
// -sy.
ramp 1 2 9.00 3.00 146.8 146.8 // D3
ramp 1 1 9.00 2.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 9.00 2.00 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 9.00 2.00 2208 2208 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 9.00 2.00 3079 3079 // Formant 3
note 33 2 201 0 9.00 0.40 0.015625 0.03 // Buzz2
note 34 2 219 0 9.00 0.40 // RMS2
note 35 2 226 0 9.00 0.40 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 36 2 226 0 9.00 0.40 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 37 2 224 0 9.00 0.40 4200 300 // BandPassBW2
note 38 2 226 0 9.00 0.40 5700 400 // BandReject2
note 39 2 221 0 9.00 0.40 11000 // LowPass
note 40 2 221 0 9.00 0.40 11000 // LowPass
note 41 2 227 0 9.00 0.40 10500 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 3.981 3.981 0 0 0 0 0.000000001 0.000000001 1.259 0.708 // LinearEqualizer2
note 42 2 299 0 9.00 0.40 // Rebalance2
note 43 1 101 0 9.10 1.90 1 0.2 // Buzz1
note 44 1 119 0 6.00 5.00 0.1 // RMS1
note 45 1 121 0 6.00 5.00 // Mouth1
note 46 1 199 0 6.00 5.00 // Rebalance1

// (rest)
ramp 1 1 11.00 1.00 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 11.00 1.00 277 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 11.00 1.00 2208 2500 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 11.00 1.00 3079 2100 // Formant 3

// Give
ramp 1 2 12.00 1.00 164.8 164.8 // E3
ramp 1 1 12.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 12.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 12.00 0.02 2500 2500 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 12.00 0.02 2100 2100 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 12.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 12.02 0.06 200 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 12.02 0.06 2500 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 12.02 0.06 2100 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 12.08 0.92 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 12.08 0.92 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 12.08 0.92 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 12.08 0.92 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 47 2 203 0 12.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 48 2 219 0 12.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 49 2 224 0 12.00 0.20 500 125 // BandPassBW2
note 50 2 226 0 12.00 0.20 3000 250 // BandReject2
note 51 2 225 0 12.00 0.20 4500 250 // BandPassFLT2
note 52 2 226 0 12.00 0.20 5700 250 // BandReject2
note 53 2 225 0 12.00 0.20 7500 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 54 2 226 0 12.00 0.20 9500 400 // BandReject2
note 55 2 225 0 12.00 0.20 12000 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 56 2 222 0 12.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 57 2 299 0 12.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 58 1 101 0 12.00 0.55 1 0.02 // Buzz1
note 59 1 119 0 12.00 0.55 0.1 // RMS1
note 60 1 121 0 12.00 0.55 // Mouth1
note 61 1 199 0 12.00 0.55 // Rebalance1
note 62 2 202 0 12.50 0.50 0.0078125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 63 2 201 0 12.50 0.50 0.1015625 0.03 // Buzz2
note 64 2 219 0 12.50 0.50 // RMS2
note 65 2 226 0 12.50 0.50 4400 1100 // BandReject2
note 66 2 221 0 12.50 0.50 11000 // LowPass
note 67 2 221 0 12.50 0.50 11000 // LowPass
note 68 2 227 0 12.50 0.50 10500 0.794 1.259 1.585 1.585 0 0 0 0.251 0.282 0.224 0.447 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.1 // LinearEqualizer2
note 69 2 299 0 12.50 0.50 // Rebalance2

// me
ramp 1 2 13.00 1.00 185 185 // F#3
ramp 1 1 13.00 0.20 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 13.00 0.20 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 13.00 0.20 1270 1270 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 13.00 0.20 2130 2130 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 13.20 0.10 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 13.20 0.10 450 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 13.20 0.10 1270 2208 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 13.20 0.10 2130 3079 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 13.30 0.70 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 13.30 0.70 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 13.30 0.70 2208 2208 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 13.30 0.70 3079 3079 // Formant 3
note 70 1 101 0 13.00 0.90 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 71 1 119 0 13.00 0.90 // RMS1
note 72 1 121 0 13.00 0.90 // Mouth1
note 73 1 122 0 13.00 0.30 0 0.1 1200 75 33 // Nose1
note 74 1 199 0 13.00 0.90 // Rebalance1

// your
ramp 1 2 14.00 1.00 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 1 14.00 0.05 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 14.00 0.05 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 14.00 0.05 2000 2000 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 14.00 0.05 3079 3079 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 14.05 0.15 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 14.05 0.15 277 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 14.05 0.15 2000 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 14.05 0.15 3079 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 14.20 0.15 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 14.20 0.15 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 14.20 0.15 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 14.20 0.15 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 14.35 0.15 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 14.35 0.15 414 565 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 14.35 0.15 1516 915 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 14.35 0.15 2500 1800 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 14.50 0.50 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 14.50 0.50 565 565 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 14.50 0.50 915 915 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 14.50 0.50 1800 1800 // Formant 3
note 75 1 101 0 14.00 0.90 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 76 1 119 0 14.00 0.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 77 1 121 0 14.00 0.90 // Mouth1
note 78 1 199 0 14.00 0.90 // Rebalance1

// an-
ramp 1 2 15.00 2.00 164.8 164.8 // E3
ramp 1 1 15.00 0.30 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 15.00 0.30 648 648 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 15.00 0.30 1712 1712 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 15.00 0.30 2490 2490 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 15.30 0.10 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 15.30 0.10 648 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 15.30 0.10 1712 1340 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 15.30 0.10 2490 2470 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 15.40 1.60 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 15.40 1.60 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 15.40 1.60 1340 1340 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 15.40 1.60 2470 2470 // Formant 3
note 79 1 101 0 15.00 2.00 1 0.03 // Buzz1
// -swer
ramp 1 2 17.00 1.00 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 1 17.00 1.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 17.00 1.00 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 17.00 1.00 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 17.00 1.00 1800 1800 // Formant 3
note 80 2 202 0 17.00 0.30 0.03125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 81 2 219 0 17.00 0.30 // RMS2
note 82 2 226 0 17.00 0.30 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 83 2 226 0 17.00 0.30 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 84 2 224 0 17.00 0.30 4200 300 // BandPassBW2
note 85 2 226 0 17.00 0.30 5700 400 // BandReject2
note 86 2 221 0 17.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 87 2 221 0 17.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 88 2 227 0 17.00 0.30 10500 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 3.981 3.981 0 0 0 0 0.000000001 0.000000001 1.259 0.708 // LinearEqualizer2
note 89 2 299 0 17.00 0.30 // Rebalance2
note 90 1 101 0 17.00 0.90 1 0.2 // Buzz1
note 91 1 119 0 15.00 2.90 // RMS1
note 92 1 121 0 15.00 2.90 // Mouth1
note 93 1 122 0 15.30 1.70 0.1 0 1200 75 33 // Nose1
note 94 1 199 0 15.00 2.90 // Rebalance1

// do.
ramp 1 2 18.00 6.00 146.8 146.8 // D3
ramp 1 1 18.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 18.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 18.00 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 18.00 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 18.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 18.02 0.06 200 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 18.02 0.06 1600 553 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 18.02 0.06 2600 2420 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 18.08 2.92 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 18.08 2.92 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 18.08 2.92 553 553 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 18.08 2.92 2420 2420 // Formant 3
note 95 2 203 0 18.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 96 2 219 0 18.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 97 2 224 0 18.00 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 98 2 226 0 18.00 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 99 2 225 0 18.00 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 100 2 225 0 18.00 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 101 2 222 0 18.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 102 2 299 0 18.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 103 1 101 0 18.00 3.00 1 0.02 // Buzz1
note 104 1 119 0 18.00 3.00 0.1 // RMS1
note 105 1 121 0 18.00 3.00 // Mouth1
note 106 1 199 0 18.00 3.00 // Rebalance1

// (rest)
ramp 1 1 21.00 3.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 21.00 3.00 277 800 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 21.00 3.00 553 1228 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 21.00 3.00 2420 2500 // Formant 3

// I'm
ramp 1 2 24.00 3.00 220 220 // A3
ramp 1 1 24.00 0.30 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 24.00 0.30 800 800 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 24.00 0.30 1228 1228 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 24.00 0.30 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 24.30 0.30 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 24.30 0.30 800 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 24.30 0.30 1228 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 24.30 0.30 2500 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 24.60 0.20 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 24.60 0.20 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 24.60 0.20 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 24.60 0.20 2660 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 24.80 0.15 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 24.80 0.15 344 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 24.80 0.15 2170 1270 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 24.80 0.15 2660 2130 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 24.95 2.05 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 24.95 2.05 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 24.95 2.05 1270 1270 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 24.95 2.05 2130 2130 // Formant 3
note 107 1 101 0 24.00 2.90 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 108 1 119 0 24.00 2.90 // RMS1
note 109 1 121 0 24.00 2.90 // Mouth1
note 110 1 122 0 24.80 2.10 0.1 0 450 25 458 // Nose1
note 111 1 199 0 24.00 2.90 // Rebalance1

// half
ramp 1 2 27.00 3.00 293.7 293.7 // D4
ramp 1 1 27.00 3.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 27.00 3.00 800 800 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 27.00 3.00 1228 1228 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 27.00 3.00 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 112 1 102 0 27.00 0.30 1 0.03 // Whisper1
note 113 1 101 0 27.10 2.00 1 0.2 // Buzz1
note 114 1 119 0 27.00 3.10 0.1 // RMS1
note 115 1 121 0 27.00 3.10 // Mouth1
note 116 1 199 0 27.00 3.10 // Rebalance1
note 117 2 202 0 29.00 0.30 0.0078125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 118 2 219 0 29.00 0.30 // RMS2
note 119 2 226 0 29.00 0.30 4400 1100 // BandReject2
note 120 2 221 0 29.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 121 2 221 0 29.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 122 2 227 0 29.00 0.30 10500 0.794 1.259 1.585 1.585 0 0 0 0.251 0.282 0.224 0.447 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.1 // LinearEqualizer2
note 123 2 299 0 29.00 0.30 // Rebalance2

// cra-
ramp 1 2 30.00 1.90 246.9 246.9 // B3
ramp 1 2 31.90 0.10 246.9 220 // B3-A3
ramp 1 2 32.00 0.90 220 220 // A3
ramp 1 2 32.90 0.10 220 196 // A3-G3
ramp 1 1 30.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 30.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 30.00 0.02 2500 2500 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 30.00 0.02 2100 2100 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 30.02 0.06 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 30.02 0.06 200 565 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 30.02 0.06 2500 1819 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 30.02 0.06 2100 1800 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 30.08 0.06 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 30.08 0.06 565 565 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 30.08 0.06 1819 1819 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 30.08 0.06 1800 1800 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 30.14 0.15 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 30.14 0.15 565 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 30.14 0.15 1819 2065 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 30.14 0.15 1800 2570 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 30.29 1.66 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 30.29 1.66 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 30.29 1.66 2065 2065 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 30.29 1.66 2570 2570 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 31.95 0.15 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 31.95 0.15 414 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 31.95 0.15 2065 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 31.95 0.15 2570 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 32.10 0.90 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 32.10 0.90 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 32.10 0.90 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 32.10 0.90 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 124 2 203 0 30.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 125 2 219 0 30.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 126 2 224 0 30.00 0.20 500 125 // BandPassBW2
note 127 2 226 0 30.00 0.20 3000 250 // BandReject2
note 128 2 225 0 30.00 0.20 4500 250 // BandPassFLT2
note 129 2 226 0 30.00 0.20 5700 250 // BandReject2
note 130 2 225 0 30.00 0.20 7500 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 131 2 226 0 30.00 0.20 9500 400 // BandReject2
note 132 2 225 0 30.00 0.20 12000 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 133 2 222 0 30.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 134 2 299 0 30.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 135 1 102 0 30.00 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 136 1 101 0 30.04 3.06 1 0.1 // Buzz1
// -zy
ramp 1 2 33.00 2.00 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 1 33.00 2.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 33.00 2.00 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 33.00 2.00 2208 2208 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 33.00 2.00 3079 3079 // Formant 3
note 137 2 201 0 33.00 0.40 0.015625 0.03 // Buzz2
note 138 2 219 0 33.00 0.40 // RMS2
note 139 2 226 0 33.00 0.40 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 140 2 226 0 33.00 0.40 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 141 2 224 0 33.00 0.40 4200 300 // BandPassBW2
note 142 2 226 0 33.00 0.40 5700 400 // BandReject2
note 143 2 221 0 33.00 0.40 11000 // LowPass
note 144 2 221 0 33.00 0.40 11000 // LowPass
note 145 2 227 0 33.00 0.40 10500 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 3.981 3.981 0 0 0 0 0.000000001 0.000000001 1.259 0.708 // LinearEqualizer2
note 146 2 299 0 33.00 0.40 // Rebalance2
note 147 1 101 0 33.10 1.80 1 0.2 // Buzz1
note 148 1 119 0 30.00 4.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 149 1 121 0 30.00 4.90 // Mouth1
note 150 1 199 0 30.00 4.90 // Rebalance1

// and
ramp 1 2 35.00 1.00 185 185 // F#3
ramp 1 1 35.00 0.20 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 35.00 0.20 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 35.00 0.20 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 35.00 0.20 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 35.20 0.15 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 35.20 0.15 414 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 35.20 0.15 1516 1340 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 35.20 0.15 2500 2470 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 35.35 0.13 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 35.35 0.13 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 35.35 0.13 1340 1340 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 35.35 0.13 2470 2470 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 35.48 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 35.48 0.02 450 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 35.48 0.02 1340 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 35.48 0.02 2470 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 35.50 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 35.50 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 35.50 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 35.50 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 35.52 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 35.52 0.06 200 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 35.52 0.06 1600 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 35.52 0.06 2600 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 35.58 0.42 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 35.58 0.42 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 35.58 0.42 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 35.58 0.42 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 151 1 101 0 35.00 0.50 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 152 2 203 0 35.50 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 153 2 219 0 35.50 0.20 // RMS2
note 154 2 224 0 35.50 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 155 2 226 0 35.50 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 156 2 225 0 35.50 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 157 2 225 0 35.50 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 158 2 222 0 35.50 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 159 2 299 0 35.50 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 160 1 101 0 35.50 0.10 1 0.02 // Buzz1
note 161 1 119 0 35.00 0.90 // RMS1
note 162 1 121 0 35.00 0.90 // Mouth1
note 163 1 122 0 35.20 0.30 0.15 0.02 1200 75 33 // Nose1
note 164 1 199 0 35.00 0.90 // Rebalance1

// all
ramp 1 2 36.00 1.00 164.8 164.8 // E3
ramp 1 1 36.00 0.05 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 36.00 0.05 800 800 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 36.00 0.05 1228 1228 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 36.00 0.05 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 36.05 0.15 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 36.05 0.15 800 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 36.05 0.15 1228 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 36.05 0.15 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 36.20 0.80 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 36.20 0.80 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 36.20 0.80 750 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 36.20 0.80 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 165 1 101 0 36.00 0.90 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 166 1 119 0 36.00 0.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 167 1 121 0 36.00 0.90 // Mouth1
note 168 1 199 0 36.00 0.90 // Rebalance1

// for
ramp 1 2 37.00 1.00 185 185 // F#3
ramp 1 1 37.00 0.05 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 37.00 0.05 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 37.00 0.05 721 721 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 37.00 0.05 2406 2406 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 37.05 0.15 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 37.05 0.15 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 37.05 0.15 721 721 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 37.05 0.15 2406 1800 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 37.20 0.80 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 37.20 0.80 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 37.20 0.80 721 721 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 37.20 0.80 1800 1800 // Formant 3
note 169 2 202 0 37.00 0.40 0.0078125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 170 2 219 0 37.00 0.40 // RMS2
note 171 2 226 0 37.00 0.40 4400 1100 // BandReject2
note 172 2 221 0 37.00 0.40 11000 // LowPass
note 173 2 221 0 37.00 0.40 11000 // LowPass
note 174 2 227 0 37.00 0.40 10500 0.794 1.259 1.585 1.585 0 0 0 0.251 0.282 0.224 0.447 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.1 // LinearEqualizer2
note 175 2 299 0 37.00 0.40 // Rebalance2
note 176 1 101 0 37.10 0.80 1 0.2 // Buzz1
note 177 1 119 0 37.10 0.80 0.1 // RMS1
note 178 1 121 0 37.10 0.80 // Mouth1
note 179 1 199 0 37.10 0.80 // Rebalance1

// the
ramp 1 2 38.00 1.00 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 1 38.00 1.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 38.00 1.00 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 38.00 1.00 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 38.00 1.00 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 180 2 201 0 38.00 0.30 0.125 0.03 // Buzz2
note 181 2 219 0 38.00 0.30 // RMS2
note 182 2 226 0 38.00 0.30 3000 3000 // BandReject2
note 183 2 221 0 38.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 184 2 221 0 38.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 185 2 227 0 38.00 0.30 10500 3.09 3.548 4.677 3.388 3.467 3.02 1 10.96 10.96 10.72 10.72 9.12 8.511 6.761 6.31 1 // LinearEqualizer2
note 186 2 299 0 38.00 0.30 // Rebalance2
note 187 1 101 0 38.00 0.90 1 0.2 // Buzz1
note 188 1 119 0 38.00 0.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 189 1 121 0 38.00 0.90 // Mouth1
note 190 1 199 0 38.00 0.90 // Rebalance1

// love
ramp 1 2 39.00 2.00 220 220 // A3
ramp 1 1 39.00 0.05 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 39.00 0.05 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 39.00 0.05 750 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 39.00 0.05 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 39.05 0.15 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 39.05 0.15 450 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 39.05 0.15 750 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 39.05 0.15 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 39.20 0.25 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 39.20 0.25 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 39.20 0.25 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 39.20 0.25 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 39.45 0.05 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 39.45 0.05 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 39.45 0.05 1516 721 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 39.45 0.05 2500 2406 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 39.50 1.50 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 39.50 1.50 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 39.50 1.50 721 721 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 39.50 1.50 2406 2406 // Formant 3
note 191 1 101 0 39.00 0.60 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 192 1 119 0 39.00 0.60 0.1 // RMS1
note 193 1 121 0 39.00 0.60 // Mouth1
note 194 1 199 0 39.00 0.60 // Rebalance1
note 195 2 202 0 39.50 1.40 0.0078125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 196 2 201 0 39.50 1.40 0.1015625 0.03 // Buzz2
note 197 2 219 0 39.50 1.40 // RMS2
note 198 2 226 0 39.50 1.40 4400 1100 // BandReject2
note 199 2 221 0 39.50 1.40 11000 // LowPass
note 200 2 221 0 39.50 1.40 11000 // LowPass
note 201 2 227 0 39.50 1.40 10500 0.794 1.259 1.585 1.585 0 0 0 0.251 0.282 0.224 0.447 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.1 // LinearEqualizer2
note 202 2 299 0 39.50 1.40 // Rebalance2

// of
ramp 1 2 41.00 1.00 246.9 246.9 // B3
ramp 1 1 41.00 0.45 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 41.00 0.45 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 41.00 0.45 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 41.00 0.45 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 41.45 0.05 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 41.45 0.05 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 41.45 0.05 1516 721 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 41.45 0.05 2500 2406 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 41.50 0.50 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 41.50 0.50 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 41.50 0.50 721 721 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 41.50 0.50 2406 2406 // Formant 3
note 203 1 101 0 41.00 0.60 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 204 1 119 0 41.00 0.60 0.1 // RMS1
note 205 1 121 0 41.00 0.60 // Mouth1
note 206 1 199 0 41.00 0.60 // Rebalance1
note 207 2 202 0 41.50 0.30 0.0078125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 208 2 201 0 41.50 0.30 0.1015625 0.03 // Buzz2
note 209 2 219 0 41.50 0.30 // RMS2
note 210 2 226 0 41.50 0.30 4400 1100 // BandReject2
note 211 2 221 0 41.50 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 212 2 221 0 41.50 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 213 2 227 0 41.50 0.30 10500 0.794 1.259 1.585 1.585 0 0 0 0.251 0.282 0.224 0.447 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.1 // LinearEqualizer2
note 214 2 299 0 41.50 0.30 // Rebalance2

// you.
ramp 1 2 42.00 5.00 220 220 // A3
ramp 1 1 42.00 0.05 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 42.00 0.05 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 42.00 0.05 2000 2000 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 42.00 0.05 3079 3079 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 42.05 0.15 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 42.05 0.15 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 42.05 0.15 2000 553 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 42.05 0.15 3079 2420 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 42.20 2.80 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 42.20 2.80 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 42.20 2.80 553 553 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 42.20 2.80 2420 2420 // Formant 3
note 215 1 101 0 42.00 2.90 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 216 1 119 0 42.00 2.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 217 1 121 0 42.00 2.90 // Mouth1
note 218 1 199 0 42.00 2.90 // Rebalance1

// (rest)
ramp 1 1 45.00 2.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 45.00 2.00 277 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 45.00 2.00 553 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 45.00 2.00 2420 2660 // Formant 3

// It
ramp 1 2 47.00 1.00 246.9 246.9 // B3
ramp 1 1 47.00 0.46 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 47.00 0.46 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 47.00 0.46 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 47.00 0.46 2660 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 47.46 0.02 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 47.46 0.02 344 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 47.46 0.02 2170 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 47.46 0.02 2660 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 47.48 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 47.48 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 47.48 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 47.48 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 47.50 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 47.50 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 47.50 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 47.50 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 47.52 0.06 1900 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 47.52 0.06 400 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 47.52 0.06 1600 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 47.52 0.06 2600 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 47.58 0.42 601 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 47.58 0.42 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 47.58 0.42 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 47.58 0.42 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 219 1 101 0 47.00 0.50 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 220 2 203 0 47.50 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 221 2 219 0 47.50 0.20 // RMS2
note 222 2 224 0 47.50 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 223 2 226 0 47.50 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 224 2 225 0 47.50 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 225 2 225 0 47.50 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 226 2 222 0 47.50 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 227 2 299 0 47.50 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 228 1 102 0 47.50 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 229 1 119 0 47.00 0.70 0.1 // RMS1
note 230 1 121 0 47.00 0.70 // Mouth1
note 231 1 199 0 47.00 0.70 // Rebalance1

// won't
ramp 1 2 48.00 1.00 261.6 261.6 // C4
ramp 1 1 48.00 0.05 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 48.00 0.05 290 290 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 48.00 0.05 610 610 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 48.00 0.05 2150 2150 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 48.05 0.07 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 48.05 0.07 290 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 48.05 0.07 610 721 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 48.05 0.07 2150 2406 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 48.12 0.08 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 48.12 0.08 414 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 48.12 0.08 721 635 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 48.12 0.08 2406 2413 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 48.20 0.05 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 48.20 0.05 344 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 48.20 0.05 635 1340 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 48.20 0.05 2413 2470 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 48.25 0.21 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 48.25 0.21 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 48.25 0.21 1340 1340 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 48.25 0.21 2470 2470 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 48.46 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 48.46 0.02 450 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 48.46 0.02 1340 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 48.46 0.02 2470 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 48.48 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 48.48 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 48.48 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 48.48 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 48.50 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 48.50 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 48.50 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 48.50 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 48.52 0.06 1900 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 48.52 0.06 400 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 48.52 0.06 1600 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 48.52 0.06 2600 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 48.58 0.42 601 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 48.58 0.42 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 48.58 0.42 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 48.58 0.42 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 232 1 101 0 48.00 0.50 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 233 2 203 0 48.50 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 234 2 219 0 48.50 0.20 // RMS2
note 235 2 224 0 48.50 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 236 2 226 0 48.50 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 237 2 225 0 48.50 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 238 2 225 0 48.50 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 239 2 222 0 48.50 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 240 2 299 0 48.50 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 241 1 102 0 48.50 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 242 1 119 0 48.00 0.70 // RMS1
note 243 1 121 0 48.00 0.70 // Mouth1
note 244 1 122 0 48.20 0.28 0.05 0.02 1200 75 33 // Nose1
note 245 1 199 0 48.00 0.90 // Rebalance1

// be
ramp 1 2 49.00 1.00 246.9 246.9 // B3
ramp 1 1 49.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 49.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 49.00 0.02 900 900 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 49.00 0.02 2150 2150 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 49.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 49.02 0.06 200 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 49.02 0.06 900 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 49.02 0.06 2150 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 49.08 0.92 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 49.08 0.92 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 49.08 0.92 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 49.08 0.92 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 246 2 203 0 49.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 247 2 219 0 49.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 248 2 224 0 49.00 0.20 0 250 // BandPassBW2
note 249 2 226 0 49.00 0.20 1000 250 // BandReject2
note 250 2 225 0 49.00 0.20 2500 1000 // BandPassFLT2
note 251 2 222 0 49.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 252 2 299 0 49.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 253 1 101 0 49.00 0.90 1 0.02 // Buzz1
note 254 1 119 0 49.00 0.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 255 1 121 0 49.00 0.90 // Mouth1
note 256 1 199 0 49.00 0.90 // Rebalance1

// a
ramp 1 2 50.00 1.00 220 220 // A4
ramp 1 1 50.00 1.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 50.00 1.00 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 50.00 1.00 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 50.00 1.00 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 257 1 101 0 50.00 0.90 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 258 1 119 0 50.00 0.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 259 1 121 0 50.00 0.90 // Mouth1
note 260 1 199 0 50.00 0.90 // Rebalance1

// sty-
ramp 1 2 51.00 1.98 293.7 293.7 // D4
ramp 1 2 52.98 0.02 293.7 246.9 // D4-B3
ramp 1 1 51.00 0.22 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 51.00 0.22 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 51.00 0.22 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 51.00 0.22 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 51.22 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 51.22 0.06 400 800 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 51.22 0.06 1600 1228 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 51.22 0.06 2600 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 51.28 0.04 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 51.28 0.04 800 800 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 51.28 0.04 1228 1228 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 51.28 0.04 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 51.32 0.30 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 51.32 0.30 800 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 51.32 0.30 1228 2208 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 51.32 0.30 2500 3079 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 51.62 1.23 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 51.62 1.23 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 51.62 1.23 2208 2208 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 51.62 1.23 3079 3079 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 52.85 0.15 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 52.85 0.15 277 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 52.85 0.15 2208 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 52.85 0.15 3079 2500 // Formant 3
note 261 2 202 0 51.00 0.15 0.03125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 262 2 219 0 51.00 0.15 // RMS2
note 263 2 226 0 51.00 0.15 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 264 2 226 0 51.00 0.15 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 265 2 224 0 51.00 0.15 4200 300 // BandPassBW2
note 266 2 226 0 51.00 0.15 5700 400 // BandReject2
note 267 2 221 0 51.00 0.15 11000 // LowPass
note 268 2 221 0 51.00 0.15 11000 // LowPass
note 269 2 227 0 51.00 0.15 10500 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 3.981 3.981 0 0 0 0 0.000000001 0.000000001 1.259 0.708 // LinearEqualizer2
note 270 2 299 0 51.00 0.15 // Rebalance2
note 271 2 203 0 51.20 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 272 2 219 0 51.20 0.20 // RMS2
note 273 2 224 0 51.20 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 274 2 226 0 51.20 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 275 2 225 0 51.20 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 276 2 225 0 51.20 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 277 2 222 0 51.20 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 278 2 299 0 51.20 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 279 1 102 0 51.20 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 280 1 101 0 51.24 1.76 1 0.1 // Buzz1
// -lish
ramp 1 2 53.00 1.00 246.9 246.9 // B3
ramp 1 1 53.00 0.20 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 53.00 0.20 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 53.00 0.20 750 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 53.00 0.20 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 53.20 0.20 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 53.20 0.20 450 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 53.20 0.20 750 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 53.20 0.20 2500 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 53.40 0.60 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 53.40 0.60 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 53.40 0.60 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 53.40 0.60 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 281 1 101 280 53.00 2.50 1 0 // Buzz1
note 282 1 119 0 51.00 2.60 0.1 // RMS1
note 283 1 121 0 51.00 2.60 // Mouth1
note 284 1 199 0 51.00 2.60 // Rebalance1
note 285 2 202 0 53.50 0.30 0.03125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 286 2 219 0 53.50 0.30 // RMS2
note 287 2 226 0 53.50 0.30 1000 500 // BandReject2
note 288 2 224 0 53.50 0.30 3000 2000 // BandPassBW2
note 289 2 226 0 53.50 0.30 4300 500 // BandReject2
note 290 2 225 0 53.50 0.30 6500 1500 // BandPassFLT2
note 291 2 221 0 53.50 0.30 6000 // LowPass
note 292 2 221 0 53.50 0.30 6000 // LowPass
note 293 2 227 0 53.50 0.30 8000 0 0 0 0 10 5.623 3.162 1.778 1 0.468 0.219 0.1 0.0468 0.0219 0.01 0 // LinearEqualizer2
note 294 2 299 0 53.50 0.30 // Rebalance2

// mar-
ramp 1 2 54.00 0.98 220 220 // A3
ramp 1 2 54.98 0.02 220 196 // A3-G3
ramp 1 1 54.00 0.20 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 54.00 0.20 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 54.00 0.20 1270 1270 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 54.00 0.20 2130 2130 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 54.20 0.10 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 54.20 0.10 450 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 54.20 0.10 1270 2065 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 54.20 0.10 2130 2570 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 54.30 0.60 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 54.30 0.60 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 54.30 0.60 2065 2065 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 54.30 0.60 2570 2570 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 54.90 0.10 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 54.90 0.10 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 54.90 0.10 2065 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 54.90 0.10 2570 1800 // Formant 3
note 295 1 101 0 54.00 1.00 1 0.03 // Buzz1
// -riage
ramp 1 2 55.00 4.00 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 1 55.00 0.10 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 55.00 0.10 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 55.00 0.10 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 55.00 0.10 1800 1800 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 55.10 0.10 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 55.10 0.10 414 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 55.10 0.10 1516 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 55.10 0.10 1800 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 55.20 0.75 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 55.20 0.75 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 55.20 0.75 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 55.20 0.75 2660 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 55.95 0.05 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 55.95 0.05 344 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 55.95 0.05 2170 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 55.95 0.05 2660 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 56.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 56.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 56.00 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 56.00 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 56.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 56.02 0.06 200 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 56.02 0.06 1600 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 56.02 0.06 2600 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 56.08 0.92 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 56.08 0.92 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 56.08 0.92 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 56.08 0.92 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 296 1 101 295 55.00 1.00 1 0 // Buzz1
note 297 2 203 0 56.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 298 2 219 0 56.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 299 2 224 0 56.00 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 300 2 226 0 56.00 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 301 2 225 0 56.00 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 302 2 225 0 56.00 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 303 2 222 0 56.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 304 2 299 0 56.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 305 1 101 0 56.00 0.10 1 0.02 // Buzz1
note 306 1 119 0 54.00 2.10 // RMS1
note 307 1 121 0 54.00 2.10 // Mouth1
note 308 1 122 0 54.00 0.30 0 0.1 450 25 458 // Nose1
note 309 1 199 0 54.00 2.10 // Rebalance1
note 310 2 202 0 56.10 0.30 0.03125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 311 2 201 0 56.10 0.30 0.21875 0.03 // Buzz2
note 312 2 219 0 56.10 0.30 // RMS2
note 313 2 226 0 56.10 0.30 1000 500 // BandReject2
note 314 2 224 0 56.10 0.30 3000 2000 // BandPassBW2
note 315 2 226 0 56.10 0.30 4300 500 // BandReject2
note 316 2 225 0 56.10 0.30 6500 1500 // BandPassFLT2
note 317 2 221 0 56.10 0.30 6000 // LowPass
note 318 2 221 0 56.10 0.30 6000 // LowPass
note 319 2 227 0 56.10 0.30 8000 0 0 0 0 10 5.623 3.162 1.778 1 0.468 0.219 0.1 0.0468 0.0219 0.01 0 // LinearEqualizer2
note 320 2 299 0 56.10 0.30 // Rebalance2

// (rest)
ramp 1 1 57.00 2.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 57.00 2.00 414 800 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 57.00 2.00 1516 1228 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 57.00 2.00 2500 2500 // Formant 3

// I
ramp 1 2 59.00 1.00 220 220 // A3
ramp 1 1 59.00 0.30 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 59.00 0.30 800 800 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 59.00 0.30 1228 1228 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 59.00 0.30 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 59.30 0.30 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 59.30 0.30 800 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 59.30 0.30 1228 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 59.30 0.30 2500 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 59.60 0.40 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 59.60 0.40 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 59.60 0.40 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 59.60 0.40 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 321 1 101 0 59.00 0.90 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 322 1 119 0 59.00 0.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 323 1 121 0 59.00 0.90 // Mouth1
note 324 1 199 0 59.00 0.90 // Rebalance1

// can't
ramp 1 2 60.00 2.00 246.9 246.9 // B3
ramp 1 1 60.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 60.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 60.00 0.02 2500 2500 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 60.00 0.02 2100 2100 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 60.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 60.02 0.06 200 648 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 60.02 0.06 2500 1712 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 60.02 0.06 2100 2490 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 60.08 0.32 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 60.08 0.32 648 648 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 60.08 0.32 1712 1712 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 60.08 0.32 2490 2490 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 60.40 0.10 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 60.40 0.10 648 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 60.40 0.10 1712 1340 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 60.40 0.10 2490 2470 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 60.50 0.94 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 60.50 0.94 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 60.50 0.94 1340 1340 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 60.50 0.94 2470 2470 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 61.44 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 61.44 0.02 450 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 61.44 0.02 1340 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 61.44 0.02 2470 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 61.46 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 61.46 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 61.46 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 61.46 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 61.48 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 61.48 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 61.48 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 61.48 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 61.50 0.06 1900 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 61.50 0.06 400 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 61.50 0.06 1600 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 61.50 0.06 2600 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 61.56 0.44 601 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 61.56 0.44 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 61.56 0.44 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 61.56 0.44 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 325 2 203 0 60.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 326 2 219 0 60.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 327 2 224 0 60.00 0.20 500 125 // BandPassBW2
note 328 2 226 0 60.00 0.20 3000 250 // BandReject2
note 329 2 225 0 60.00 0.20 4500 250 // BandPassFLT2
note 330 2 226 0 60.00 0.20 5700 250 // BandReject2
note 331 2 225 0 60.00 0.20 7500 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 332 2 226 0 60.00 0.20 9500 400 // BandReject2
note 333 2 225 0 60.00 0.20 12000 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 334 2 222 0 60.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 335 2 299 0 60.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 336 1 102 0 60.00 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 337 1 101 0 60.04 1.46 1 0.1 // Buzz1
note 338 2 203 0 61.50 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 339 2 219 0 61.50 0.20 // RMS2
note 340 2 224 0 61.50 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 341 2 226 0 61.50 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 342 2 225 0 61.50 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 343 2 225 0 61.50 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 344 2 222 0 61.50 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 345 2 299 0 61.50 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 346 1 102 0 61.50 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 347 1 119 0 60.04 1.86 // RMS1
note 348 1 121 0 60.04 1.86 // Mouth1
note 349 1 122 0 60.44 1.46 0.1 0 450 25 458 // Nose1
note 350 1 199 0 60.04 1.86 // Rebalance1

// af-
ramp 1 2 62.00 1.00 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 1 62.00 1.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 62.00 1.00 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 62.00 1.00 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 62.00 1.00 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 351 1 101 0 62.00 1.00 1 0.03 // Buzz1
// -ford
ramp 1 2 63.00 2.00 164.8 164.8 // E3
ramp 1 1 63.00 0.85 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 63.00 0.85 565 565 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 63.00 0.85 915 915 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 63.00 0.85 2373 2373 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 63.85 0.15 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 63.85 0.15 565 565 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 63.85 0.15 915 915 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 63.85 0.15 2373 1800 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 64.00 0.48 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 64.00 0.48 565 565 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 64.00 0.48 915 915 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 64.00 0.48 1800 1800 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 64.48 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 64.48 0.02 565 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 64.48 0.02 915 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 64.48 0.02 1800 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 64.50 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 64.50 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 64.50 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 64.50 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 64.52 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 64.52 0.06 200 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 64.52 0.06 1600 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 64.52 0.06 2600 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 64.58 0.42 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 64.58 0.42 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 64.58 0.42 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 64.58 0.42 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 352 2 202 0 63.00 0.30 0.0078125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 353 2 219 0 63.00 0.30 // RMS2
note 354 2 226 0 63.00 0.30 4400 1100 // BandReject2
note 355 2 221 0 63.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 356 2 221 0 63.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 357 2 227 0 63.00 0.30 10500 0.794 1.259 1.585 1.585 0 0 0 0.251 0.282 0.224 0.447 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.1 // LinearEqualizer2
note 358 2 299 0 63.00 0.30 // Rebalance2
note 359 1 101 0 63.00 1.50 1 0.2 // Buzz1
note 360 2 203 0 64.50 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 361 2 219 0 64.50 0.20 // RMS2
note 362 2 224 0 64.50 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 363 2 226 0 64.50 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 364 2 225 0 64.50 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 365 2 225 0 64.50 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 366 2 222 0 64.50 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 367 2 299 0 64.50 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 368 1 101 0 64.50 0.10 1 0.02 // Buzz1
note 369 1 119 0 62.00 2.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 370 1 121 0 62.00 2.90 // Mouth1
note 371 1 199 0 62.00 2.90 // Rebalance1

// a
ramp 1 2 65.00 1.00 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 1 65.00 1.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 65.00 1.00 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 65.00 1.00 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 65.00 1.00 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 372 1 101 0 65.00 0.90 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 373 1 119 0 65.00 0.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 374 1 121 0 65.00 0.90 // Mouth1
note 375 1 199 0 65.00 0.90 // Rebalance1

// car-
ramp 1 2 66.00 0.98 164.8 164.8 // E3
ramp 1 2 66.98 0.02 164.8 146.8 // E3-D3
ramp 1 1 66.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 66.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 66.00 0.02 2500 2500 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 66.00 0.02 2100 2100 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 66.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 66.02 0.06 200 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 66.02 0.06 2500 2065 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 66.02 0.06 2100 2570 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 66.08 0.82 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 66.08 0.82 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 66.08 0.82 2065 2065 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 66.08 0.82 2570 2570 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 66.90 0.10 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 66.90 0.10 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 66.90 0.10 2065 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 66.90 0.10 2570 1800 // Formant 3
note 376 2 203 0 66.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 377 2 219 0 66.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 378 2 224 0 66.00 0.20 500 125 // BandPassBW2
note 379 2 226 0 66.00 0.20 3000 250 // BandReject2
note 380 2 225 0 66.00 0.20 4500 250 // BandPassFLT2
note 381 2 226 0 66.00 0.20 5700 250 // BandReject2
note 382 2 225 0 66.00 0.20 7500 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 383 2 226 0 66.00 0.20 9500 400 // BandReject2
note 384 2 225 0 66.00 0.20 12000 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 385 2 222 0 66.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 386 2 299 0 66.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 387 1 102 0 66.00 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 388 1 101 0 66.04 0.96 1 0.1 // Buzz1
// -riage.
ramp 1 2 67.00 4.00 146.8 146.8 // D3
ramp 1 1 67.00 0.10 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 67.00 0.10 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 67.00 0.10 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 67.00 0.10 1800 1800 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 67.10 0.10 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 67.10 0.10 414 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 67.10 0.10 1516 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 67.10 0.10 1800 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 67.20 0.75 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 67.20 0.75 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 67.20 0.75 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 67.20 0.75 2660 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 67.95 0.05 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 67.95 0.05 344 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 67.95 0.05 2170 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 67.95 0.05 2660 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 68.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 68.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 68.00 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 68.00 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 68.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 68.02 0.06 200 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 68.02 0.06 1600 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 68.02 0.06 2600 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 68.08 0.92 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 68.08 0.92 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 68.08 0.92 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 68.08 0.92 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 389 1 101 388 67.00 1.00 1 0 // Buzz1
note 390 2 203 0 68.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 391 2 219 0 68.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 392 2 224 0 68.00 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 393 2 226 0 68.00 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 394 2 225 0 68.00 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 395 2 225 0 68.00 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 396 2 222 0 68.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 397 2 299 0 68.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 398 1 101 0 68.00 0.10 1 0.02 // Buzz1
note 399 2 202 0 68.10 0.30 0.03125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 400 2 201 0 68.10 0.30 0.21875 0.03 // Buzz2
note 401 2 219 0 68.10 0.30 // RMS2
note 402 2 226 0 68.10 0.30 1000 500 // BandReject2
note 403 2 224 0 68.10 0.30 3000 2000 // BandPassBW2
note 404 2 226 0 68.10 0.30 4300 500 // BandReject2
note 405 2 225 0 68.10 0.30 6500 1500 // BandPassFLT2
note 406 2 221 0 68.10 0.30 6000 // LowPass
note 407 2 221 0 68.10 0.30 6000 // LowPass
note 408 2 227 0 68.10 0.30 8000 0 0 0 0 10 5.623 3.162 1.778 1 0.468 0.219 0.1 0.0468 0.0219 0.01 0 // LinearEqualizer2
note 409 2 299 0 68.10 0.30 // Rebalance2
note 410 1 119 0 66.00 3.00 0.1 // RMS1
note 411 1 121 0 66.00 3.00 // Mouth1
note 412 1 199 0 66.00 3.00 // Rebalance1
// (rest)
ramp 1 1 69.00 2.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 69.00 2.00 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 69.00 2.00 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 69.00 2.00 2500 2500 // Formant 3

// But
ramp 1 2 71.00 1.00 146.8 146.8 // D3
ramp 1 1 71.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 71.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 71.00 0.02 900 900 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 71.00 0.02 2150 2150 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 71.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 71.02 0.06 200 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 71.02 0.06 900 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 71.02 0.06 2150 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 71.08 0.38 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 71.08 0.38 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 71.08 0.38 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 71.08 0.38 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 71.46 0.02 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 71.46 0.02 414 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 71.46 0.02 1516 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 71.46 0.02 2500 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 71.48 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 71.48 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 71.48 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 71.48 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 71.50 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 71.50 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 71.50 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 71.50 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 71.52 0.06 1900 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 71.52 0.06 400 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 71.52 0.06 1600 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 71.52 0.06 2600 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 71.58 0.42 601 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 71.58 0.42 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 71.58 0.42 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 71.58 0.42 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 413 2 203 0 71.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 414 2 219 0 71.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 415 2 224 0 71.00 0.20 0 250 // BandPassBW2
note 416 2 226 0 71.00 0.20 1000 250 // BandReject2
note 417 2 225 0 71.00 0.20 2500 1000 // BandPassFLT2
note 418 2 222 0 71.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 419 2 299 0 71.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 420 1 101 0 71.00 0.50 1 0.02 // Buzz1
note 421 2 203 0 71.50 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 422 2 219 0 71.50 0.20 // RMS2
note 423 2 224 0 71.50 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 424 2 226 0 71.50 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 425 2 225 0 71.50 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 426 2 225 0 71.50 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 427 2 222 0 71.50 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 428 2 299 0 71.50 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 429 1 102 0 71.50 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 430 1 119 0 71.00 0.70 0.1 // RMS1
note 431 1 121 0 71.00 0.70 // Mouth1
note 432 1 199 0 71.00 0.70 // Rebalance1

// you'll
ramp 1 2 72.00 2.00 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 1 72.00 0.05 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 72.00 0.05 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 72.00 0.05 2000 2000 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 72.00 0.05 3079 3079 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 72.05 0.15 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 72.05 0.15 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 72.05 0.15 2000 553 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 72.05 0.15 3079 2420 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 72.20 0.15 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 72.20 0.15 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 72.20 0.15 553 553 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 72.20 0.15 2420 2420 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 72.35 0.15 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 72.35 0.15 277 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 72.35 0.15 553 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 72.35 0.15 2420 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 72.50 1.50 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 72.50 1.50 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 72.50 1.50 750 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 72.50 1.50 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 433 1 101 0 72.00 1.90 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 434 1 119 0 72.00 1.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 435 1 121 0 72.00 1.90 // Mouth1
note 436 1 199 0 72.00 1.90 // Rebalance1

// look
ramp 1 2 74.00 1.00 246.9 246.9 // B3
ramp 1 1 74.00 0.10 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 74.00 0.10 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 74.00 0.10 750 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 74.00 0.10 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 74.10 0.10 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 74.10 0.10 450 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 74.10 0.10 750 635 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 74.10 0.10 2500 2413 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 74.20 0.26 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 74.20 0.26 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 74.20 0.26 635 635 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 74.20 0.26 2413 2413 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 74.46 0.02 6000 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 74.46 0.02 344 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 74.46 0.02 635 2500 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 74.46 0.02 2413 2100 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 74.48 0.02 601 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 74.48 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 74.48 0.02 2500 2500 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 74.48 0.02 2100 2100 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 74.50 0.02 601 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 74.50 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 74.50 0.02 2500 2500 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 74.50 0.02 2100 2100 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 74.52 0.06 601 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 74.52 0.06 200 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 74.52 0.06 2500 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 74.52 0.06 2100 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 74.58 0.42 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 74.58 0.42 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 74.58 0.42 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 74.58 0.42 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 437 1 101 0 74.00 0.50 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 438 2 203 0 74.50 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 439 2 219 0 74.50 0.20 // RMS2
note 440 2 224 0 74.50 0.20 500 125 // BandPassBW2
note 441 2 226 0 74.50 0.20 3000 250 // BandReject2
note 442 2 225 0 74.50 0.20 4500 250 // BandPassFLT2
note 443 2 226 0 74.50 0.20 5700 250 // BandReject2
note 444 2 225 0 74.50 0.20 7500 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 445 2 226 0 74.50 0.20 9500 400 // BandReject2
note 446 2 225 0 74.50 0.20 12000 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 447 2 222 0 74.50 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 448 2 299 0 74.50 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 449 1 102 0 74.50 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 450 1 119 0 74.00 0.70 0.1 // RMS1
note 451 1 121 0 74.00 0.70 // Mouth1
note 452 1 199 0 74.00 0.70 // Rebalance1

// sweet
ramp 1 2 75.00 2.00 220 220 // A3
ramp 1 1 75.00 0.20 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 75.00 0.20 290 290 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 75.00 0.20 610 610 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 75.00 0.20 2150 2150 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 75.20 0.15 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 75.20 0.15 290 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 75.20 0.15 610 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 75.20 0.15 2150 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 75.35 1.11 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 75.35 1.11 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 75.35 1.11 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 75.35 1.11 2660 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 76.46 0.02 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 76.46 0.02 344 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 76.46 0.02 2170 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 76.46 0.02 2660 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 76.48 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 76.48 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 76.48 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 76.48 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 76.50 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 76.50 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 76.50 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 76.50 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 76.52 0.06 1900 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 76.52 0.06 400 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 76.52 0.06 1600 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 76.52 0.06 2600 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 76.58 0.42 601 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 76.58 0.42 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 76.58 0.42 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 76.58 0.42 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 453 2 202 0 75.00 0.30 0.03125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 454 2 219 0 75.00 0.30 // RMS2
note 455 2 226 0 75.00 0.30 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 456 2 226 0 75.00 0.30 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 457 2 224 0 75.00 0.30 4200 300 // BandPassBW2
note 458 2 226 0 75.00 0.30 5700 400 // BandReject2
note 459 2 221 0 75.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 460 2 221 0 75.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 461 2 227 0 75.00 0.30 10500 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 3.981 3.981 0 0 0 0 0.000000001 0.000000001 1.259 0.708 // LinearEqualizer2
note 462 2 299 0 75.00 0.30 // Rebalance2
note 463 1 101 0 75.00 1.50 1 0.2 // Buzz1
note 464 2 203 0 76.50 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 465 2 219 0 76.50 0.20 // RMS2
note 466 2 224 0 76.50 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 467 2 226 0 76.50 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 468 2 225 0 76.50 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 469 2 225 0 76.50 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 470 2 222 0 76.50 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 471 2 299 0 76.50 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 472 1 102 0 76.50 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 473 1 119 0 75.00 1.70 0.1 // RMS1
note 474 1 121 0 75.00 1.70 // Mouth1
note 475 1 199 0 75.00 1.70 // Rebalance1

// u-
ramp 1 2 77.00 0.98 146.8 146.8 // D3
ramp 1 2 77.98 0.02 146.8 196 // D3-G3
ramp 1 1 77.00 0.96 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 77.00 0.96 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 77.00 0.96 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 77.00 0.96 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 77.96 0.02 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 77.96 0.02 414 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 77.96 0.02 1516 900 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 77.96 0.02 2500 2150 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 77.98 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 77.98 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 77.98 0.02 900 900 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 77.98 0.02 2150 2150 // Formant 3
note 476 1 101 0 77.00 1.00 1 0.03 // Buzz1
// -pon
ramp 1 2 78.00 2.00 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 1 78.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 78.00 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 78.00 0.02 900 900 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 78.00 0.02 2150 2150 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 78.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 78.02 0.06 400 565 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 78.02 0.06 900 915 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 78.02 0.06 2150 2373 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 78.08 0.32 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 78.08 0.32 565 565 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 78.08 0.32 915 915 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 78.08 0.32 2373 2373 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 78.40 0.10 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 78.40 0.10 565 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 78.40 0.10 915 1340 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 78.40 0.10 2373 2470 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 78.50 1.50 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 78.50 1.50 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 78.50 1.50 1340 1340 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 78.50 1.50 2470 2470 // Formant 3
note 477 2 203 0 78.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 478 2 219 0 78.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 479 2 224 0 78.00 0.20 0 250 // BandPassBW2
note 480 2 226 0 78.00 0.20 1000 250 // BandReject2
note 481 2 225 0 78.00 0.20 2500 1000 // BandPassFLT2
note 482 2 222 0 78.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 483 2 299 0 78.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 484 1 102 0 78.00 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 485 1 101 0 78.03 1.87 1 0.1 // Buzz1
note 486 1 119 0 77.00 2.90 // RMS1
note 487 1 121 0 77.00 2.90 // Mouth1
note 488 1 122 0 78.40 1.50 0.1 0 1200 75 33 // Nose1
note 489 1 199 0 77.00 2.90 // Rebalance1

// the
ramp 1 2 80.00 1.00 246.9 246.9 // B3
ramp 1 1 80.00 1.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 80.00 1.00 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 80.00 1.00 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 80.00 1.00 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 490 2 201 0 80.00 0.30 0.125 0.03 // Buzz2
note 491 2 219 0 80.00 0.30 // RMS2
note 492 2 226 0 80.00 0.30 3000 3000 // BandReject2
note 493 2 221 0 80.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 494 2 221 0 80.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 495 2 227 0 80.00 0.30 10500 3.09 3.548 4.677 3.388 3.467 3.02 1 10.96 10.96 10.72 10.72 9.12 8.511 6.761 6.31 1 // LinearEqualizer2
note 496 2 299 0 80.00 0.30 // Rebalance2
note 497 1 101 0 80.10 0.80 1 0.1 // Buzz1
note 498 1 119 0 80.00 0.80 0.1 // RMS1
note 499 1 121 0 80.00 0.80 // Mouth1
note 500 1 199 0 80.00 0.80 // Rebalance1

// seat
ramp 1 2 81.00 1.00 220 220 // A3
ramp 1 1 81.00 0.46 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 81.00 0.46 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 81.00 0.46 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 81.00 0.46 2660 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 81.46 0.02 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 81.46 0.02 344 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 81.46 0.02 2170 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 81.46 0.02 2660 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 81.48 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 81.48 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 81.48 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 81.48 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 81.50 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 81.50 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 81.50 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 81.50 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 81.52 0.06 1900 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 81.52 0.06 400 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 81.52 0.06 1600 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 81.52 0.06 2600 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 81.58 0.42 601 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 81.58 0.42 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 81.58 0.42 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 81.58 0.42 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 501 2 202 0 81.00 0.30 0.03125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 502 2 219 0 81.00 0.30 // RMS2
note 503 2 226 0 81.00 0.30 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 504 2 226 0 81.00 0.30 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 505 2 224 0 81.00 0.30 4200 300 // BandPassBW2
note 506 2 226 0 81.00 0.30 5700 400 // BandReject2
note 507 2 221 0 81.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 508 2 221 0 81.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 509 2 227 0 81.00 0.30 10500 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 3.981 3.981 0 0 0 0 0.000000001 0.000000001 1.259 0.708 // LinearEqualizer2
note 510 2 299 0 81.00 0.30 // Rebalance2
note 511 1 101 0 81.00 0.50 1 0.1 // Buzz1
note 512 2 203 0 81.50 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 513 2 219 0 81.50 0.20 // RMS2
note 514 2 224 0 81.50 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 515 2 226 0 81.50 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 516 2 225 0 81.50 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 517 2 225 0 81.50 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 518 2 222 0 81.50 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 519 2 299 0 81.50 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 520 1 102 0 81.50 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 521 1 119 0 81.00 0.70 0.1 // RMS1
note 522 1 121 0 81.00 0.70 // Mouth1
note 523 1 199 0 81.00 0.70 // Rebalance1

// of
ramp 1 2 82.00 1.00 246.9 246.9 // B3
ramp 1 1 82.00 0.45 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 82.00 0.45 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 82.00 0.45 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 82.00 0.45 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 82.45 0.05 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 82.45 0.05 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 82.45 0.05 1516 721 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 82.45 0.05 2500 2406 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 82.50 0.50 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 82.50 0.50 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 82.50 0.50 721 721 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 82.50 0.50 2406 2406 // Formant 3
note 524 1 101 0 82.00 0.60 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 525 1 119 0 82.00 0.60 0.1 // RMS1
note 526 1 121 0 82.00 0.60 // Mouth1
note 527 1 199 0 82.00 0.60 // Rebalance1
note 528 2 202 0 82.50 0.30 0.0078125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 529 2 201 0 82.50 0.30 0.1015625 0.03 // Buzz2
note 530 2 219 0 82.50 0.30 // RMS2
note 531 2 226 0 82.50 0.30 4400 1100 // BandReject2
note 532 2 221 0 82.50 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 533 2 221 0 82.50 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 534 2 227 0 82.50 0.30 10500 0.794 1.259 1.585 1.585 0 0 0 0.251 0.282 0.224 0.447 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.1 // LinearEqualizer2
note 535 2 299 0 82.50 0.30 // Rebalance2

// a
ramp 1 2 83.00 1.00 261.6 261.6 // C4
ramp 1 1 83.00 1.00 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 83.00 1.00 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 83.00 1.00 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 83.00 1.00 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 536 1 101 0 83.00 0.90 1 0.03 // Buzz1
note 537 1 119 0 83.00 0.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 538 1 121 0 83.00 0.90 // Mouth1
note 539 1 199 0 83.00 0.90 // Rebalance1

// bi-
ramp 1 2 84.00 0.98 293.7 293.7 // D4
ramp 1 2 84.98 0.02 293.7 246.9 // D4-B3
ramp 1 1 84.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 84.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 84.00 0.02 900 900 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 84.00 0.02 2150 2150 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 84.02 0.08 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 84.02 0.08 200 800 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 84.02 0.08 900 1228 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 84.02 0.08 2150 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 84.10 0.20 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 84.10 0.20 800 800 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 84.10 0.20 1228 1228 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 84.10 0.20 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 84.30 0.30 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 84.30 0.30 800 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 84.30 0.30 1228 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 84.30 0.30 2500 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 84.60 0.40 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 84.60 0.40 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 84.60 0.40 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 84.60 0.40 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 540 2 203 0 84.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 541 2 219 0 84.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 542 2 224 0 84.00 0.20 0 250 // BandPassBW2
note 543 2 226 0 84.00 0.20 1000 250 // BandReject2
note 544 2 225 0 84.00 0.20 2500 1000 // BandPassFLT2
note 545 2 222 0 84.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 546 2 299 0 84.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 547 1 101 0 84.00 1.10 1 0.01 // Buzz1
// -cy-
ramp 1 2 85.00 0.98 246.9 246.9 // B3
ramp 1 2 85.98 0.02 246.9 196 // B3-G3
ramp 1 1 85.00 0.95 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 85.00 0.95 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 85.00 0.95 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 85.00 0.95 2660 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 85.95 0.05 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 85.95 0.05 344 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 85.95 0.05 2170 2500 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 85.95 0.05 2660 2100 // Formant 3
note 548 2 202 0 85.00 0.30 0.03125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 549 2 219 0 85.00 0.30 // RMS2
note 550 2 226 0 85.00 0.30 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 551 2 226 0 85.00 0.30 3000 1000 // BandReject2
note 552 2 224 0 85.00 0.30 4200 300 // BandPassBW2
note 553 2 226 0 85.00 0.30 5700 400 // BandReject2
note 554 2 221 0 85.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 555 2 221 0 85.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 556 2 227 0 85.00 0.30 10500 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 3.981 3.981 0 0 0 0 0.000000001 0.000000001 1.259 0.708 // LinearEqualizer2
note 557 2 299 0 85.00 0.30 // Rebalance2
note 558 1 101 0 85.00 1.00 1 0.2 // Buzz1
// -cle
ramp 1 2 86.00 1.00 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 1 86.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 86.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 86.00 0.02 2500 2500 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 86.00 0.02 2100 2100 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 86.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 86.02 0.06 200 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 86.02 0.06 2500 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 86.02 0.06 2100 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 86.08 0.22 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 86.08 0.22 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 86.08 0.22 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 86.08 0.22 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 86.30 0.15 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 86.30 0.15 414 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 86.30 0.15 1516 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 86.30 0.15 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 86.45 0.55 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 86.45 0.55 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 86.45 0.55 750 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 86.45 0.55 2500 2500 // Formant 3
note 559 2 203 0 86.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 560 2 219 0 86.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 561 2 224 0 86.00 0.20 500 125 // BandPassBW2
note 562 2 226 0 86.00 0.20 3000 250 // BandReject2
note 563 2 225 0 86.00 0.20 4500 250 // BandPassFLT2
note 564 2 226 0 86.00 0.20 5700 250 // BandReject2
note 565 2 225 0 86.00 0.20 7500 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 566 2 226 0 86.00 0.20 9500 400 // BandReject2
note 567 2 225 0 86.00 0.20 12000 2000 // BandPassFLT2
note 568 2 222 0 86.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 569 2 299 0 86.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 570 1 102 0 86.00 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 571 1 101 0 86.04 0.86 1 0.1 // Buzz1
note 572 1 119 0 84.00 2.90 0.1 // RMS1
note 573 1 121 0 84.00 2.90 // Mouth1
note 574 1 199 0 84.00 2.90 // Rebalance1

// built
ramp 1 2 87.00 2.00 220 220 // A3
ramp 1 1 87.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 87.00 0.02 200 200 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 87.00 0.02 900 900 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 87.00 0.02 2150 2150 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 87.02 0.08 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 87.02 0.08 200 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 87.02 0.08 900 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 87.02 0.08 2150 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 87.10 0.20 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 87.10 0.20 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 87.10 0.20 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 87.10 0.20 2660 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 87.30 0.15 6000 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 87.30 0.15 344 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 87.30 0.15 2170 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 87.30 0.15 2660 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 87.45 1.01 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 87.45 1.01 450 450 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 87.45 1.01 750 750 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 87.45 1.01 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 88.46 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 88.46 0.02 450 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 88.46 0.02 750 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 88.46 0.02 2500 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 88.48 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 88.48 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 88.48 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 88.48 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 88.50 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 88.50 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 88.50 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 88.50 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 88.52 0.06 1900 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 88.52 0.06 400 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 88.52 0.06 1600 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 88.52 0.06 2600 2660 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 88.58 0.42 601 601 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 88.58 0.42 344 344 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 88.58 0.42 2170 2170 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 88.58 0.42 2660 2660 // Formant 3
note 575 2 203 0 87.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 576 2 219 0 87.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 577 2 224 0 87.00 0.20 0 250 // BandPassBW2
note 578 2 226 0 87.00 0.20 1000 250 // BandReject2
note 579 2 225 0 87.00 0.20 2500 1000 // BandPassFLT2
note 580 2 222 0 87.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 581 2 299 0 87.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 582 1 101 0 87.00 1.00 1 0.01 // Buzz1
note 583 2 203 0 88.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 584 2 219 0 88.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 585 2 224 0 88.00 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 586 2 226 0 88.00 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 587 2 225 0 88.00 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 588 2 225 0 88.00 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 589 2 222 0 88.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 590 2 299 0 88.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 591 1 102 0 88.00 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 592 1 119 0 87.00 1.20 0.1 // RMS1
note 593 1 121 0 87.00 1.20 // Mouth1
note 594 1 199 0 87.00 1.20 // Rebalance1

// for
ramp 1 2 89.00 1.00 146.8 146.8 // D3
ramp 1 1 89.00 0.20 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 89.00 0.20 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 89.00 0.20 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 89.00 0.20 2500 2500 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 89.20 0.30 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 89.20 0.30 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 89.20 0.30 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 89.20 0.30 2500 1800 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 89.50 0.50 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 89.50 0.50 414 414 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 89.50 0.50 1516 1516 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 89.50 0.50 1800 1800 // Formant 3
note 595 2 202 0 89.00 0.30 0.0078125 0.03 // Noise2 Sust
note 596 2 219 0 89.00 0.30 // RMS2
note 597 2 226 0 89.00 0.30 4400 1100 // BandReject2
note 598 2 221 0 89.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 599 2 221 0 89.00 0.30 11000 // LowPass
note 600 2 227 0 89.00 0.30 10500 0.794 1.259 1.585 1.585 0 0 0 0.251 0.282 0.224 0.447 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.631 0.1 // LinearEqualizer2
note 601 2 299 0 89.00 0.30 // Rebalance2
note 602 1 101 0 89.10 0.80 1 0.1 // Buzz1
note 603 1 119 0 89.00 0.80 0.1 // RMS1
note 604 1 121 0 89.00 0.80 // Mouth1
note 605 1 199 0 89.00 0.80 // Rebalance1

// two
ramp 1 2 90.00 6.00 196 196 // G3
ramp 1 1 90.00 0.02 1900 1900 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 90.00 0.02 400 400 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 90.00 0.02 1600 1600 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 90.00 0.02 2600 2600 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 90.02 0.06 1900 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 90.02 0.06 400 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 90.02 0.06 1600 553 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 90.02 0.06 2600 2420 // Formant 3
ramp 1 1 90.08 5.92 6000 6000 // Amplitude
ramp 1 3 90.08 5.92 277 277 // Formant 1
ramp 1 4 90.08 5.92 553 553 // Formant 2
ramp 1 5 90.08 5.92 2420 2420 // Formant 3
note 606 2 203 0 90.00 0.20 0.25 0.01 // Noise2 Exp
note 607 2 219 0 90.00 0.20 // RMS2
note 608 2 224 0 90.00 0.20 1750 400 // BandPassBW2
note 609 2 226 0 90.00 0.20 3000 400 // BandReject2
note 610 2 225 0 90.00 0.20 4500 400 // BandPassFLT2
note 611 2 225 0 90.00 0.20 11000 3000 // BandPassFLT2
note 612 2 222 0 90.00 0.20 11000 // LowPassBW2
note 613 2 299 0 90.00 0.20 // Rebalance2
note 614 1 102 0 90.00 0.20 1 0.02 // Whisper1
note 615 1 101 0 90.04 2.96 1 0.2 // Buzz1
note 616 1 119 0 90.00 3.00 0.1 // RMS1
note 617 1 121 0 90.00 3.00 // Mouth1
note 618 1 199 0 90.00 3.00 // Rebalance1

end 96.0
Listing 8: Note-list body for “Daisy Bell”, Iteration 6. Plosive consonants are highlighted in red. To hear a realization, click here.

“Daisy Bell” Iteration #6

Listing 8 presents the sixth-iteration synthesis of “Daisy Bell”. New indications for plosive consonants are color-coded in red. The indications incorporate both new formant transitions in voice #1 and new note stacks (for percussive bursts) in voice #2. The note stacks for plosive bursts process unpitched noise from Instrument #202: Noise2 Sust through the phoneme-specific filter banks worked out in Synthesizing Noise Sounds, based on the Lousada-Jesus-Pape spectral features. The filter bank for t burst is the same bank used for d; the filter bank for p burst is the same bank used for b; and the filter bank for k burst is the same bank used for g.

For voiceless posives, the noise burst is complemented by a period of aspiration lasting through the period which the upper graph in Figure 4 (a) identifies as the “offglide” and which the lower graph simply identifies as “noise”. To synthesize this aspiration sound, broad-spectrum noise from Instrument #102: Whisper1 is subject to formant transitions by Instrument #121: Mouth1. The entrance of Instrument #101: Buzz1 is delayed by the voice onset times listed previously for each voiceless plosive. I have made no effort to differentiate between aspirated and unaspirated plosives. Here are examples of note stacks synthesizing voiceless plosives:

For voiced posives, the noise burst is not complemented by aspiration and the entrance of Instrument #101: Buzz1 is coincident with the noise burst. Here are examples of note stacks synthesizing voiced plosives:

Next topic: Affricate Consonants

© Charles Ames Page created: 2015-04-02 Last updated: 2017-06-12